Five Steps to Picking the Right Christian College

Picking the right school might seem like an intimidating process, but when you know what steps to take, it can be a great experience that helps you find the right fit. Consider these important things when picking the best school for you.

1. Start with asking questions about yourself.

How would you describe yourself? What do you want? What long-term goals do you have?  Defining these things will help you to narrow down your options, rather than be overwhelmed with too many choices. Revisit these priorities throughout the college selection process, so the things that aren’t important don’t distract you.

2. Attend a college fair.

Before college visits begin, check out all your options in one convenient location.  A college fair gives you the chance to ask some basic questions and get a feel for what each school offers. Best of all, you can cover a lot of ground in one night.

3. Plan a college visit.

Visiting a school gives you the chance to see the campus, sit through classes, talk to students, and eat in the dining hall. A college visit gives you a feel for the school that websites and social media can’t provide. Once you narrow down your list, consider taking a second trip back. You will see more of the school and will be able to get past your initial impressions.

4. Consider cost, but don’t let it limit you.

Cost is obviously a factor in your decision, but don’t limit yourself by counting out schools that initially seem like too much. College costs are adjusted by a number of things—scholarships, grants, and more. For some students, a higher priced college actually ends up being cheaper after a student receives a financial aid package. Check out this article for 10 helpful hints on financial aid. For additional help, try these financial aid resources.

5. Narrow down your criteria.

My Blueprint Story allows you to fill out your ideal college criteria and find your perfect match. Decide the size, location and programs you want in a school. See which colleges align with your desired major or sports. Use My Blueprint Story as a guide to look at schools you might not consider otherwise.

Above all, remember this process of selecting a college is a journey that helps you discover who you are and what you want out of your education. It’s an exciting adventure, so don’t stress too much. You are in the right place by starting with the tools and resources offered at My Blueprint Story.

Sara Ward has a master’s degree in educational psychology and currently writes articles for businesses, educational groups and nonprofits across the web. She also writes a personal blog on faith, adoption and loss at

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