Valuing Your Christian Values: 5 Tips to Find Your College Fit

By Ronnie Stewart, Vice President for Enrollment & Marketing, Toccoa Falls College (TFC)

While “Christian” might be part of a university’s name, how do you know they’re really a Christian institution?  

This is a question I’ve frequently heard from prospective students and parents as they try to find a college and campus culture that values their Christian values. And it’s a tough one to answer when so many universities say they’re Christian — but the campus experience reflects the opposite (and students often don’t figure this out until after they’ve enrolled).

In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at what makes a college Christian, and I’ll share some of my tips to help you decide which institution is actually a fit for your academic and spiritual development.     

Being a Christian College Goes Beyond a Few Classes Teaching the Bible

So, what makes a college Christian? Through my conversations, I’ve found that many people looking for Christian colleges are defining this practically. That is, through academics, community, and formation opportunities. This leads to the question within the question: How are faith and formation woven into the life of the college?  

For example, at Toccoa Falls College, Jesus is at the core of who we are, and our desire is to incorporate faith into every part of the culture. We know that college years fundamentally shape one’s character, relationships, and vocation for the rest of their life. So, our mission is to participate in and expand the Kingdom of God through every facet of campus life.

We seek to provide a campus community where God’s vision of human flourishing is modeled in academics, community, and intentional spiritual formation. That’s why we recently updated our tagline (which you’ll see on our website) to this: Toccoa Falls College is The Christian College of Georgia.

But this statement is more than a marketing slogan. To us, it really emphasizes TFC’s commitment to and practice of Christian community and formation, and the ways in which our college continues to seek Jesus in new and countercultural ways.

So, based on my interactions with students and families like you, here are some things to consider as you begin your search for the right Christian college. 

Is There a Clear Statement of Faith? 

Colleges that are deeply rooted in Jesus typically have a clear statement of faith that shares their core beliefs and mission. It should be easy to find on their website and/or in admissions materials.  

Ask These Questions: 

  • Does the college uphold orthodox Christian beliefs (e.g., about Jesus, salvation, Scripture, etc.)? 
  • Is this statement visible and accessible to students, faculty, and staff?

What About Prayer and Worship Opportunities?

Are these opportunities a regular part of campus life and offered throughout the week? For example, at TFC, we seek to provide opportunities for our campus community to experience positive spiritual formation in the way of Jesus through worship, prayer, and discipleship. So, students participate in 30 spiritual formation activities in a semester, choosing from more than 80 options that allow them to find the settings most beneficial to them. 

Ask These Questions: 

  • How often do students participate in chapel services, worship gatherings, or other spiritual activities?
  • In what ways do these activities encourage growth in Christ? 
A girl singing worship music

What About the Integration of Faith and Learning?

Faith and Christian identity should be embedded throughout the curriculum and coursework vs. only during one or two required courses on theology or Bible studies. Now, most majors at TFC complete 30 hours of Bible and Theology coursework, ensuring a thorough understanding of the Word of God. Not to mention our commitment to continuing to lead the charge in excellent ministry-focused education. This means we have multiple dedicated departments under the umbrella of the School of Christian Ministries.

The integration of faith and learning at TFC extends far beyond Bible and ministry majors. Every course is taught through a biblical worldview, seamlessly weaving faith into the diverse fields and callings students are pursuing.

It is crucial to confirm whether professors incorporate Christian perspectives into their teaching and research. Ask whether they sign a statement of faith or demonstrate their commitment to Christian principles. Our faculty members are dedicated followers of Jesus, and they mentor students academically and spiritually.

Ask These Questions: 

  • How many Bible and theology credits are required?
  • Does the curriculum integrate faith into various fields of study, such as business, science, or education? 
Teacher giving a bible seminary

Does Campus Culture and Student Life Reflect a Christian Identity?    

A college’s environment can either support — or hurt — your spiritual growth. Take a close look to ensure that faithful practices extend beyond the classroom to student organizations, residence life, athletics, etc.  

Ask These Questions: 

  • Does the campus promote community, accountability, and mentorship among students?
  • In what ways do student organizations and activities encourage spiritual growth and discipleship?
Two college students walking together

Are Service and Mission Opportunities Offered? 

Our faith emphasizes the importance of loving one’s neighbor through service. So, if a university isn’t offering opportunities to serve, that’s problematic. Through TFC’s Service and Outreach program, students are guided to serve our campus, local community, and the world. For example, while earning their bachelor’s degree, each student must participate in four SAO projects of 20 hours each.

Ask These Questions:  

  • Does the college have strong service and outreach programs, both locally and internationally? 
  • Are students encouraged to engage in volunteer work or internships that aim to serve the broader community? 

Continue Your Spiritual Development at The Christian College of Georgia

A waterfall

At Toccoa Falls College, we feel it’s our responsibility to change the world by making it a place of human flourishing. We believe this is done by promoting this vision of human flourishing on our campus here and now. This involves intentional spiritual formation in a distracted age, a steadfast commitment to the way of Jesus amid a culture that seemingly demands bending on values, and students eager to embrace such a vision.  

You’re looking for a distinctly Christian environment for your higher education experience, and we owe it to you to differentiate ourselves as an enterprise committed to Christian community and formation.   

Wondering if TFC is a college fit for you? The best way to understand our commitment to Christian community and formation is to see it for yourself. Schedule your campus visit now.    

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